

Attis Captain壓力褲的優點:

Attis Captain壓力褲透過壓力由下往上遞減的原理,階段式漸進立體剪裁,提高肌肉運動效能,對不同部位施加不同壓力,避免在運動時過度的震動,Hold住並支撐身體的肌耐力。
因此Attis captai壓力褲製作上,是使用設計對應皮膚伸展性的LYCRA® SPORT布料。有效加壓整體部位,增進運動表現,減少不必要的能量消耗。


Attis Captain輕塑褲,壓力褲貼近您的每個時間點


Graduated compression design: The 3D tailor delivers graduated compression that can boost your muscle strength, enhance oxygen and circulation in the legs, and reduce muscle fatigue and soreness.


The Benefits of Attis Captain Compression Leggings:

 Attis Captain compression tights are made of highly elastic LYCRA® SPORT fabric and designed with the pressure reducing gradually from the bottom to the top. This graduated pressure delivers different degree of compression to every part of the legs, and helps boost the muscle strength, improve the circulation, and stabilize the muscle during exercise. It’s like working out with a bit of extra boost from the ergonomic design, making your workout easier and enhancing the sport performance.


Combining fashion with sport, power with beauty, Attis Captain wants to make you feel confident in every moment of your life.


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